#481 Getting Hand Written Letters
#482 Parade of Puppies
#483 Optical Illusions
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Rabbit? or Quadriplegic Duck staring at a cloud shaped like a rabbit? (or is it a cloud shaped like a duck?) |
#485 Chocolate Milk enough said
#486 Nail Polish Sometimes it's nice to slap on a coat even if you're like me and will take it off in a day. Even the guys are getting into it.
#487 Junk TV My recent obsession was Dance Moms. Another PCV gave me a season of it and I was able to watch it in a weekend. Also ANTM. Tyra be crazy
#488 When you butter toast, drop it, and it lands butter-side up
#489 Taking a picture that you think is terrible but in fact looks pretty darn good
#490 Scaring People I'm talking about the 'jump around the door frame' scare; not the 'Mom and Dad, please have a seat because we need to talk.' sorta scare. No one is safe. Adults. Little kids. Senior Citizens. Dogs. Cats. In that split second you strike fear. You have power. If you're really lucky, you can scare kids and get a whole range of emotion from neutral, scared, crying, then laughing. So far, I'm 3 for 4.
#491: Finding stuff at the ocean. Remember when you were a kid and you wanted to keep every shell/rock/sea glass you found? What about poking crabs, jelly fish, and anemones? Or running from the waves like you're cheating death? Or those big-ass bull whip kelp thingies that you could use as whips?! Maybe that was just me. But ocean adventures are definitely up there.
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Weapon of Choice: The attitude of Aquaman mixed with the old-school awesomeness of Indiana Jones Photo: coastexplorermagazine.com |
#493: Power Outages. As a kid, these were always fun. Using memories and stories for entertainment instead of T.V. Playing a board game in candlelight that wasn't a Ouija board. Scaring people by simply walking around a corner (for my brothers this happens in the daytime too). So, bring out those candles, flashlights, board games, books, and enjoy simple times. Or bring out your flashlight app, sudoku app, kindle, and mp3 player and pray the electricity gets turned on and you are rejoined with humanity before low battery.
#494: Improvising meals (and it actually turns out delicious). The whole time you're making it you aren't sure what it's even going to look/taste/feel like. Or worrying if the CDC will get called. But then you try it and wha-laa! Masterpiece. You're sure your face is going to be famous with the likes of Wolfgang Puck, Chef Boyardee, maybe even the Pillsbury Doughboy. But then it hits you. What the *&$% did I even put in it?
#495: Baby waves. Sure it's cute when parents make the baby wave and say "buh bye" but it's even better if the baby does it without the help of their puppeteer. Recently, I was on my bike and a Thai woman was walking and carrying her baby over her shoulder. The woman's back was to me but the baby sure saw me. I waved and the baby waved back with an overly enthusiastic, whole-arm shaking wave. What makes this better is it was a secret baby wave. The parents didn't see me and are most likely looking into seizure medication.
#496: Going on car rides with no destination. Aimless driving.
#497: Watching baby animals play with their parents. Young and old interacting is fun to watch. And when you see a whole bunch of puppies tackle their mom and pull at her ears, what's not to love?
#498: The way your voice changes when you talk into a fan. And you know you have said "Luke.... I am your father!" at least once.
#499: When it rains but there is still sunshine.
#500: The first sip of coffee in the morning. I love coffee. The thing I like most is the bitter taste that bites at your taste buds before anything else touches them and how your nose gets a big whiff of the aroma at the same time.